Volunteer Assessment/Job Credit Accord

Applicable to: Youth Competitive Bronze SSLC Bronze GLFD Youth Performance Junior Competitive Bronze Weekend Junior Divisional Silver SSLC Silver GLFD Junior Provincial Senior Divisional Silver Weekend Silver 11 Senior Performance Gold SSLC Gold GLFD Gold Weekend Gold 11


I hereby acknowledge that I am the parent or legal guardian for the swimmer(s) registered with the Surrey Knights Swim Club. I also acknowledge that I am a member of the Surrey Knights Swim Club and I

  • understand that volunteer assessments are mandatory for participation in SKSC Competitive and Competitive Development programs and by registering I am agreeing to the volunteer assessment associated with my swimmer(s)
  • understand that SKSC club fees are subsided by fundraising activities such as swim meets and that my volunteer participation is vital to the financial success of SKSC.
  • I understand that I have the opportunity to earn off this volunteer assessment by earning job credits by volunteering, taking officials clinics, attending meetings, etc…  A full list can be found on the volunteer explanation page.
  • I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that earned job credits have been accounted for on my SKSC account
  • Understand that the volunteer assessment will be adjusted with group movements, withdrawals, siblings, etc…. Throughout the season and it’s my responsibility to check my account
  • I understand that if my circumstances hinder my ability to volunteer with the club in a typical manner, that it is my responsibility to follow up with SKSC within a reasonable timeframe and inquire about alternative opportunities to earn job credits.
  • I understand that any unearned portion of my assessment will be invoiced at $5/unearned credit on the July billing cycle or upon an early withdrawal and these credits will be retained as SKSC general revenue. 
  • I acknowledge and agree that unearned portions of the volunteer assessment will be processed on credit card on July 1st or in the case of an early withdrawal, when finalizing an account.
  • I acknowledge that there is no financial value to any job credits earned above the volunteer assessment amount.
  • For more information check out this page here: https://www.surreyknights.com/menu/volunteer-assessment-explanation